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Opportunities for Body Painting in Ft. Lauderdale and Broward County, Florida

Opportunities for Body Painting in Ft. Lauderdale and Broward County, Florida

You're in Ft. Lauderdale and you want to hire a body painter. Or, you are somewhere in surrounding Broward County and you want to view body painting as performance art. What do you do?

You have at least a couple of choices.

Choice One:
Go to an establishment that features body painting. In Ft. Lauderdale, you can head downtown to the Art Bar, located near the waterfront. The spot is open late nights on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Beginning around 10:00 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays, the Art Bar may sporadically have a body painter for patrons. The place principally caters to the drinking and dancing crowd, but may add this twist to attract the younger set. They don't appear to compensate their body painters well, so sometimes they have a little difficulty hanging on to talented artists. Consequently, it can be hit or miss obtaining a quality body painting experience. Another option is to frequent the Living Room Nightclub on SW 1st Avenue in downtown, Fort Lauderdale. Again, its market is the younger set and is open late. Similar to the Art Bar, the painters may not be compensated well. So talented artists may be difficult to retain. A satisfactory bodypainting may or may not occur as a result.